- 01010010011011110110001001101111001000000100100001101111011101010111001101100101
- 1+1=Dudley (Addy1234)
- 1+1=Dudley (CAPRAFILMS)
- 12 Hours
- 2 Years in The Past
- 2 Years in The Past/Trivia
- 2 Years in the Past
- 5 Days Out
- A.J. Burton
- A.W.S.A
- A Bitter Reform
- A Bitter Reform Ch.10
- A Bitter Reform Ch.2
- A Bitter Reform Ch.3
- A Bitter Reform Ch.4
- A Bitter Reform Ch.5
- A Bitter Reform Ch.7
- A Bitter Reform Ch.8
- A Bitter Reform Ch.9
- A Bitter Reform Ch. 6
- A Dog's Life
- A Dog with a thousand facts
- A Dream in a Dream
- A Grand Afternoon
- A Great Agent (Dedicated to Matt12428)
- A Kitty Movie
- A Meswick Christmas
- A Mile In My Paw
- A Mission for Dudley
- A Mission for Kitty
- A New Agent in Town
- A New Deal
- A New Generation
- A Nightmare on Petropolis
- A Nightmare on Petropolis/Trivia
- A T.U.F.F. Christmas
- A T.U.F.F. Finale
- A T.U.F.F. situation
- A T.U.F.F. situation/Appearances
- A T.U.F.F. situation/Quotes
- A T.U.F.F. situation/Trivia
- A T.U.F.F Competition
- Aaron Katswell
- Abandon Partnership
- Adam Katswell
- Addy1234`s List of Fanfics (crossovers)
- Admittance
- Adventure T.U.F.F.
- Again Titleless
- Age of Fire pt. 1
- Agent 1234
- Agent 12428
- Agent 19
- Agent Bites/Garth
- Agent C
- Agent Indy
- Agent Maria
- Agent P/Perry The Platypus
- Agent P (Perry The Platypus)
- Agent R
- Agent R/Images
- Agent R/Trivia
- Agent Squadron TUFFRanger
- Agent Stanley
- Agent TD
- Agent vs. Agent
- Agents En-dangered
- Agents En-dangered (Chapter 3)
- Agents En-dangered (Chapter 4)
- Agents En-dangered (Chapter 5)
- Agents En-dangered (Chapter 6)
- Agents En-dangered (Chapter 7)
- Agents En-dangered (Chapter 8)
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 10:Wrestling the Waves
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 11: Behind Closed Doors
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 12: Driving in Darkness
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 14: Playing with Fire
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 15: Trust
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 16: Reality
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 17: Fire in The Sky
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 1: Footprints on the Sand
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 2: Questions Questions
- Agents En-dangered Chapter 9: Whispers
- Akiyama Makuro and Chief Herbert Dumbrowski Comparisons
- Alex Katswell
- Alexander
- Alexis
- Alexis Jellyfish
- Alicia Katswell
- Alison Bunny
- All Right! Cartoons
- Allison Retriever
- Alpha Omega
- Alternate Agents
- Alyssa Mitswell
- Amex
- Amo and Dudley in: Road Trip
- Amo the Porcupine
- An Apple a Day Keeps the Bad Guys Away
- Andrew
- Andrew Calico
- André Dynamite
- Andy Katswell
- Angel
- Angry Birds and T.U.F.F. Puppy
- Angry Cat
- Angry Cat/Trivia
- Animal Idol
- Animal Idol/Trivia
- Another Baby?
- Anti-Chicken Rebels
- Anubis
- Applejack
- Are You Ready to Lose?
- Arthur Purrano
- Attack Of The 50 Foot Flea
- Augustus Gloop
- Aunt Figg
- BLack to the past Part 1
- BLack to the past Part 2
- BLack to the past Part 3
- Babies 101
- Baby Agents
- Baby Agents/Appearances
- Baby Agents/Quotes
- Baby Agents/Trivia
- Baby Company Ch.2 part 1
- Baby Company Ch. 1
- Back To Basics
- Back to the Present
- Ban the Band
- Barking Bad
- Barking Bad: The Crucible
- Barking Puppies
- Barnabe Susano
- Bathroom Breakdown
- Batter Pup
- Batter Pup/Trivia
- Battle of the Exes
- Beach Boom
- Beach Vacations
- Beach Vacations/Trivia
- Beavers and Doggones
- Behind the Toon
- Bekidding (T.U.F.F. agent)
- Ben
- Berney The Dinosaur
- Best Friends for Never
- Best Friends for Never/Trivia
- Biff Puppywell
- Big Lance
- Bird Brain
- Bird Brain Strikes
- Black Cats and broken mirrors
- Black Phantom and Jack Rabbit Comparisons
- Blackbeard
- Blaire Taylor
- Blake Catson-Puppy
- Blaze Firezard
- Blessing
- Blood Dog
- Blood Dog/Trivia
- Blood Money
- Blown Up Agents
- Blown Up Agents/Appearances
- Blown Up Agents/Trivia
- Bluefirewolf
- Body Rockers
- Bohemian Rat-sody
- Boom Slang
- Born Yesterday
- Born to Be Dog
- Brain Attack
- Brain Drain (Addy1234)
- Brain Drain (CAPRAFILMS)
- Brain Drain (KittyKatswell925)
- Breaker Doodles
- Bree Sugartrappe
- Brittany Catastrophe-Rabies
- Bug Gone Bonkers
- Bunny Feet
- Butch Hartman
- C.A.N.A.D.A.
- CJ (Cal Jr)
- Cal's Boo Haw Haw (Cal Lewis Super Spy)
- Cal's Boo Haw Haw (Cal Lewis Super Spy)/Appearances
- Cal Lewis
- Cal Lewis/Appearances
- Cal Lewis/Images
- Cal Lewis/Images/Cal Lewis Super Spy: Attack Of The Calbot Part 2: Attack Of The Aliens
- Cal Lewis/Images/Cal Lewis Super Spy 2: Night of the living Cal
- Cal Lewis Super Spy
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Attack Of The Calbot Part 2: Attack Of The Aliens
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Attack Of The Calbot Part 2: Attack Of The Aliens/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal's Adventure in Showdown Town/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal's Blueberry Trouble
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal's Inflated Story
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal's New Baby Brother
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal And Kitty's Adventure in Showdown Town
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis' And Kitty Katswell's Greatest Adventure
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis And The Chocolate Factory
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis And The Chocolate Factory/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis And The Chocolate Factory/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis Goes To Dreamlands
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis Super Spy meets My Little Pony/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis and Kitty Katswell meets Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Lewis and Kitty Katswell meets Conker's Bad Fur Day/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Meets Action League Now!
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Meets Michael
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Meets Michael/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Quits
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Cal Quits/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Ego Trip
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Evil Kitty
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Invisible Kitty
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Kristina Kittensworth In Wonderland
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Kristina Kittensworth In Wonderland/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: Night Of The Hunted Store
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: The Wizard Of Oz Starring Cal Lewis And Kitty Katswell
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: The Wizard Of Oz Starring Cal Lewis And Kitty Katswell/Quotes
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: The Wrath Of Godzilla
- Cal Lewis Super Spy: The core
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 2: Night of the living Cal
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 2: Night of the living Cal/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 2: Night of the living Cal/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 3: Cal Returns To Showdown Town/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 3: Cal Returns To Showdown Town/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 3: Cal returns to Showdown Town
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 4: Cal's Final Mission
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 4: Cal's Final Mission/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy 4: Cal's Final Mission/Quotes
- Cal Lewis Super Spy The Movie: The Cal Went Back
- Cal Lewis Super Spy meets My Little Pony
- Cal Lewis Super Spy meets My Little Pony/Appearances
- Cal Lewis Super Spy meets My Little Pony/Images
- Cal Lewis Super Spy meets My Little Pony/Trivia
- Cal Meets Spyro Part 1: Year Of The Dragon
- Cal Meets Spyro Part 1: Year Of The Dragon/Images
- Calbot
- Callico
- Callie Lewis
- Calnapped
- Camille Leon
- Camp K-9
- Canine Strike: Petropolis Offensive
- Canterlot
- Captain Henry Jones
- Carbonite
- Carl Cat(CHUFF)
- Carter Carbon
- Casmo
- Cat's In The Cradle
- Cat's sister
- Cat Katswell/Madame Catastrophe (SonicJrandSarah)
- Cat Nap
- Cats Can't Cook
- Catta
- Celly Robbins/Trivia
- Chamel Leon
- Chameleon Catch
- Char Guard
- Charles Lewis (character)
- Charles the Henchman (character)
- Charles the Henchman (episode)
- Charlie Bucket
- Chase Puppy
- Chazy
- Check and Mate!
- Cheer Bunnies and Qittaswell Sisters 2018 Calendar
- Cheese and Miranda - Our Love Child
- Cheese and Miranda - Our Love Child/Images
- Chi Chi
- Chief Cricketsounds
- Chief Dudley
- Chinese Fighting Force
- Chito
- Chito/Quotes
- Chito/Trivia
- Chris Mass and Andrew Calico Comparison
- Chris Welch
- Christmas Catastrophe!
- Chubster Keswick
- Claire Catty200
- Claire Catty200/Appearances
- Claire Catty200/Images
- Claire Catty200/Trivia
- Claw-do
- Cleo Puppy
- Close Call
- Close Call/Appearances
- Close Call/Quotes
- Clown Trouble
- Codename: Mexico
- Cody Bunny
- Cody Bunny/Images
- Cody Bunny/Quotes
- Cody Bunny/Trivia
- Cole the Lion/Tuff Hounder
- Collie
- Comparison:Alison Bunny Vs. Lyra Bellwether
- Comparison:Andy Katswell Puppy Vs. Samuel Hopps
- Comparison:Chief Herbert Dumbrowski Vs. Chief Bogo
- Comparison:Dudley Puppy Vs. Nick Wilde
- Comparison:Eric Vs. Dawn Bellwether
- Comparison:Kitty Katswell Vs. Judy Hopps
- Comparison:Mayor Teddy Bear Vs. Mayor Lionheart
- Comparison:Shine Ortiz Vs. Gazelle
- Comparison:Tammy Vs. Benjamin Clawhauser
- Comparison: Alba Vs. Robyn Kittensworth
- Comparison: Eli J. Brown Vs. Will Robert
- Comparison: Lennick Vs. Allison Retriever
- Comparison: Verminous Snaptrap Vs. Bellwether
- Connor's Big Day
- Connor Retriever
- Connor Retriever/Appearances
- Connor Retriever/Images
- Connor Retriever/Quotes
- Connor Retriever/Trivia
- Coquetear con la Victoria
- Core Hunter and Katty Katswell Comparisons
- Corroder and Fransico Comparisons
- Crazy
- Crazy for the Informatics
- Crazy for the Informatics/Trivia
- Cream
- Cricket Le Chiot
- Crystal
- Curse You, Whimsically-Themed Airplane Restaurant!
- Cute-tastrophe
- D-day
- D.O.O.M's New Agent
- D.O.O.M. Jack
- Daisy/The H.U.F.F. Fighter (TUFF Agents)
- Dan
- Danny Phantom (character)
- Daphne
- Dark Cal Lewis
- Dark Cal Lewis/Images
- Dark Maker's and Alicia's Evil Brain Armies Comparisons
- Dark Maker and Alicia Katswell Comparisons
- Dark Matter Industries
- Dark Viper
- Darla